Cabo Safari Fish Tacos
Fresh from the Bountiful Sea Of Cortez
What you will need:
• Corn tortillas
• 2-3 fillets of fresh white flesh fish (halibut, tilapia, sole or mahi-mahi are great)
• Cabbage mix ( I used a pre-packaged broccoli slaw/cabbage mix)
• Coconut oil (I prefer the Hawaiian Flower brand)
• Sour cream- 1/2-3/4 C (depends on how much sauce you prefer)
• Light mayo- 1/4-1/2 C
• Baja Safari Salsa (our favorite)- 2 T
• 2 limes- 1 for topping the fish, 1 for sauce
• Honey (Local honey is delicious)- just a dash
• Fresh cilantro (as much as you like)
• Chili powder- ½ T
• Ground cumin-1 tsp
• Garlic powder- ½ tsp
**Baja Safari Salsa to taste.
*Note: I measure all dry ingredients in the palm of my hand so I am not sure of the exact equivalencies.
1) Preheat skillet
2) Season the fish with salt and pepper and approximately ½ tablespoon of chili powder. (I eyeball all my seasonings)
3) Place a tablespoon of coconut oil into the hot skillet, swirl around, place fish in skillet. (Make sure not to overcrowd the pan. You want a nice sear on the fish.)
4) While the fish is cooking (approximately 10 minutes or until flaky), start the Baja sauce.
5) Place sour cream, light mayo, salsa, juice of 1 lime, fresh cilantro, dash of honey, cumin and garlic powder into a bowl and mix. Let sit for 10 minutes to let the flavors merry together.
6) Remove fish from skillet and top with the juice of one fresh lime.
7) Place fish on corn tortilla, add cabbage mix and top with fresh Baja Safari Salsa.
This recipe took approximately 15 minutes to make. It was super quick and delicious. Baja Safari NOW!